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集4个传感器于一体的Azoteq IQS621 ProxFusion系列IC

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最新消息 Azoteq - IQS621 – 集4个传感器于一体 Azoteq?今天发布了IQS621。 IQS621 是ProxFusion系列IC,多功能于一体, ALS,电容检测,霍尔,金属感应,可用于任一传感器应用或所有一起使用的方案。IQS621是一款超低功耗解决方案,各个传感器通道可以单独设定检测时间.

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“Azoteq市场营销副总裁Jean Viljoen表示:”IQS621再次将传感器集成度推高到单一IC。这是首次设计师能够集4种传感器于单一元件中”

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T WS耳机解决方案

Azoteq的ProxSense?和ProxFusion?系列低成本电容和组合传感器为下一代TWS(真正的无线立体声)耳机提供了理想的解决方案。使用传感器组合为设计人员提供了最可靠的佩戴检测解决方案,并且功耗最低。小尺寸封装和高灵敏度可确保在最小的区域内使用手势检测进行触摸感应。 先进的温度稳定性和抗水性能确保在任何环境条件下(内部和外部)获得最佳性能和用户体验。

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不同用户界面的选型参考 低成本双向滑动界面。 ·小尺寸触控板控制器,IQS620A 具有霍尔效应感应的佩戴检测传感器。 ·IQS622 组合式传感器,用于使用电容式和主动式红外感应进行佩戴检测 ·IQS525 高分辨率触控板传感器·IQS211A 低功耗单触式接口.

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Azoteq的活动笔的滚轮功能- 用户习惯于滚轮式用户界面。Azoteq的ProxFusion IQS624现在可以使用小直径的笔筒式滚筒。鉴于现有的活动笔受到笨重设计的影响,Azoteq可以提供总直径为10mm的桶形滚轮。 Azoteq解决方案的优势: - 低功耗 - 自动低功耗模式低于5uA - 更高的分辨率 - 同时具有电容式触摸或电感式传感器 - 更少的结构限制因此更多的设计自由度 - 更好的机械耐用性 - 易于在有限空间内设计 IQS624霍尔效应,电容式触摸和电感式组合传感器使工业设计人员能够设计出世界上最薄的滚筒式滚轮。

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Azoteq Announces the IQS621, a Combination Sensor with Ambient Light Sensing (ALS), Capacitive Proximity/Touch, Hall-effect and Inductive Sensing Capabilities

Azoteq, a pioneer in sensor fusion, today announced the release to market of the IQS621. The IQS621 ProxFusion® IC is a multi-functional, ambient light sensing (ALS), capacitive, Hall-effect and inductive sensor designed for applications for which any or all of the technologies may be required. The IQS621 is an ultra-low-power solution designed for short- or long-term activations through any of the sensing channels.

The IQS621 complements the existing part numbers in Azoteq’s ProxFusion® combination sensor family and adds ambient light sensing to the portfolio. The device is available in a low-profile UOLG (2.8 x 2.5 x 0.6 mm) 9-pin package, with minimal external components required.

The ProxFusion® family builds on Azoteq’s decade of capacitive-sensing experience and adds unique sensing capabilities in single-chip solutions.

“The IQS621 once again pushes the boundary in terms of sensor integration into a single IC,” said Jean Viljoen, Azoteq’s VP of Marketing. “For the first time, a designer is now able to employ four sensing technologies by using just a single component.”

Samples, production quantities and evaluation kits are available through Azoteq’s distribution channels and popular online distributors.


Unique combination of sensing technologies

Capacitive sensing

Ambient light sensing (ALS)

Hall-effect sensing

Inductive sensing

Capacitive sensing

Full auto-tuning with adjustable sensitivity

2 pF to 200 pF external capacitive load capability

Down to 10 aF resolution

Enhanced temperature stability

Ambient light sensing (ALS)

Absolute lux output

Human eye response compensated

ALS range output (0 – 10)

Dual threshold detection for day/night indication with hysteresis

Hall-effect sensing

On-chip Hall-effect measurement plates

Dual direction Hall switch sensor UI

Two-level detection (widely variable)

Detection range 10 mT – 200 mT

Inductive sensing

Two-level detection and hysteresis for inductive sensing

Only external sense coil required (PCB trace)

Automatic Tuning Implementation (ATI) – performance enhancement (10 bit)

Minimal external components

Standard I2C interface

Optional RDY indication for event mode operation

Low power consumption:

75 uA (100 Hz response, 1 ch inductive)

95 uA (100 Hz response, 2 ch Hall)

75 uA (100 Hz response, 3 ch capacitive)

60 uA (100 Hz response, ALS)

25 uA (20 Hz response, 1 ch inductive)

25 uA (20 Hz response, 2 ch Hall)

20 uA (20 Hz response, 3 ch capacitive)

18 uA (20 Hz response, ALS)

2.5 uA (4 Hz response, 1 ch cap. wake-up)

Supply voltage: 1.8 V to 3.3 V

Low profile UOLG - 2.8 x 2.5 x 0.6 - 9-pin package


Mobile electronics (phones/tablets)

IoT, security, home automation and lighting control

White goods and appliances

Wearable devices

Human interface devices

About Azoteq (Pty) Ltd

Azoteq (http://www.azoteq.com) is a pioneer in sensor fusion. With more than 12 years of capacitive-sensing experience, the sensor offering is now expanded to include multi-sensor technologies on single ICs. The first generation of ProxFusion® offers capacitive, Hall-effect, IR, PIR, inductive and ambient-light sensing. Azoteq has design and manufacturing centers in South Africa and China, and sales offices and distributors in South Africa, Asia, Europe and the USA.








标签: 传感器 Azoteq 电容
