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基于Atmel ATR4251C主控芯片的射频性能卓越的汽车音响解决方案

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Atmel 拥有 30 多年的无线广播芯片设计经验 。 现在作为一家供应商 , 本公司为快速扩展的 AM / FM 有源天线市场提供具有顶尖性能 、 灵活性和高集成度的集成电路解决方案 。 公司具备精深的专业知识以及 ISO9001 和 ISO16949 质量标准 , 能够满足您对于汽车无线电市场的质量和性能需求 。 近年来 , Atmel 已经推出过几代知名产品 。



高度集成的产品具有顶尖的质量水准和卓越的射频性能 。

高度集成 、 功能丰富且稳定的 AM / FM 天线放大器集成电路在各种解决方案中具备很多优势 。

无论是杆式天线 、 鲨鱼鳍天线 、 短杆天线还是车窗天线 , 都可以使用 Atmel 天线设备 。


Low-noise AM/FM antenna amplifier, high dynamic range for AM and FM, AGC for AM and FM, high intercept point 3rd-order for FM, FM amplifier adjustable for various cable impedances, high intercept point 2nd- and 3rd-order for AM, low-output impedance for AM, low power consumption


● High dynamic range for AM and FM

● Integrated AGC for AM and FM

● High intercept point 3rd order for FM

● FM amplifier adjustable to various cable impedances

● High intercept point 2nd and 3rd order for AM

● Low noise output voltage

● Low power consumption

● Low output impedance AM


Automotive Qualified:Yes

Temp. Range (deg C):-40 to 105

Pin Count:24

Functional Description

The Atmel® ATR4251C is an integrated AM/FM antenna impedance matching circuit. It compensates cable losses betweenthe antenna (for example windshield, roof, or bumper antennas) and the car radio which is usually placed far away from theantenna.

AM refers to the long wave (LW), medium wave (MW) and short wave (SW) frequency bands (150kHz to 30MHz) that are usually used for AM transmission, and FM means any of the frequency bands used world-wide for FM radio broadcast(70MHz to 110MHz).

Two separate amplifiers are used for AM and FM due to the different operating frequencies and requirements in the AM and FM band. This allows the use of separate antennas (for example, windshield antennas) for AM and FM. Of course, both amplifiers can also be connected to one antenna (for example, the roof antenna).

Both amplifiers have automatic gain control (AGC) circuits in order to avoid overdriving the amplifiers under large-signal conditions. The two separate AGC circuits prevent strong AM signals from blocking FM stations, and vice versa.

3.1 AM Amplifier

Due to the long wavelength in AM bands, the antennas used for AM reception in automotive applications must be short compared to the wavelength. Therefore these antennas do not provide 50Ω output impedance, but have an output impedance of some pF. If these (passive) antennas are connected to the car radio by a long cable, the capacitive load of this cable (some 100pF) dramatically reduces the signal level at the tuner input.

In order to overcome this problem, Atmel ATR4251C provides an AM buffer amplifier with low input capacitance (less than 2.5pF) and low output impedance (5Ω). The low input capacitance of the amplifier reduces the capacitive load at the antenna, and the low impedance output driver is able to drive the capacitive load of the cable. The voltage gain of the amplifier is close to 1 (0dB), but the insertion gain that is achieved when the buffer amplifier is inserted between antenna output and cable may be much higher (35dB). The actual value depends, of course, on antenna and cable impedance.

The input of the amplifier is connected by an external 4.7MΩ resistor to the bias voltage (pin 7, SSO20) in order to achieve high input impedance and low noise voltage.

AM tuners in car radios usually use PIN diode attenuators at their input. These PIN diode attenuators attenuate the signal by reducing the input impedance of the tuner. Therefore, a series resistor is used at the AM amplifier output in the standard application. This series resistor guarantees a well-defined source impedance for the radio tuner and protects the output of the AM amplifier from short circuit by the PIN diode attenuator in the car radio.

3.2 AM AGC

The IC is equipped with an AM AGC capability to prevent overdriving of the amplifier in case the amplifier operates near strong antenna signal level, for example, transmitters. The AM amplifier output AMOUT1 is applied to a resistive voltage divider. This divided signal is applied to the AGC level detector input pin AGCAMIN. The rectified signal is compared against an internal reference. The threshold of the AGC can be adjusted by adjusting the divider ratio of the external voltage divider. If the threshold is reached, pin AGCAM opens an external transistor which controls PIN diode currents and limits the antenna signal and thereby prevents overdriving the AM amplifier IC.

3.3 FM Amplifier

The FM amplifier is realized with a single NPN transistor. This allows use of an amplifier configuration optimized on the requirements. For low-cost applications, the common emitter configuration provides good performance at reasonable bills of materials (BOM) cost(1). For high-end applications, common base configuration with lossless transformer feedback provides a high IP3 and a low noise figure at reasonable current consumption(2). In both configurations, gain, input, and output impedance can be adjusted by modification of external components.

The temperature compensated bias voltage (VREF1) for the base of the NPN transistor is derived from an integrated band gap reference. The bias current of the FM amplifier is defined by an external resistor.

Notes: 1. See test circuit (Figure 8-1 on page 11)2. See application circuit (Figure 9-1 on page 12)ATR4251C [DATASHEET] 9258E–AUDR–11/14 6


The IC is equipped with an AGC capability to prevent overdriving the amplifier in cases when the amplifier is operated with strong antenna signals (for example, near transmitters). It is possible to realize an external TV antenna amplifier with integrated AGC and external RF transistor. The bandwidth of the integrated AGC circuit is 900MHz. FM amplifier output FMOUT is connected to a capacitive voltage divider and the divided signal is applied to the AGC level detector at pin AGCIN. This level detector input is optimized for low distortion. The rectified signal is compared against an internal reference. The threshold of the AGC can be adjusted by adjusting the divider ratio of the external voltage divider. If the threshold is reached, pin AGC1 opens an external transistor which controls the PIN diode current, this limits the amplifier input signal level and prevents overdriving the FM amplifier


汽车音响(auto audio) 为减轻驾驶员和乘员旅行中的枯燥感而设置的收放音装置。最早使用的是汽车调幅收音机,后来是调幅调频收音机、磁带放音机,发展至CD放音机和兼容DCC、DAT数码音响。现在汽车音响无论在音色、操作和防振等各方面均达到了较高的标准,能应付汽车在崎岖的道路上颠簸,保证性能的稳定和音质的完美。













虽然音响设备对于轿车来讲,只是一种辅助性设备,对车子的运行性能没有影响。但随着人们对享受的要求越来越高,汽车制造商也日益重视起轿车的音响设备,并将它做为评价轿车舒适性的依据之一。轿车音响的发展史也是电子技术的发展史,电子技术的每项重大的技术进步都推动着轿车音响的发展。早在1923年美国首先出现了装配无线电收音机的轿车,随后许多轿车都步其后尘 ,在仪表板总成上安装了无线电收音机。这时候车用无线电收音机都是用电子管,直到50年代 出现半导体技术后,轿车收音机出现了技术革命,用半导体管逐步取替了电子管,提高了轿车收音机的寿命。70年代初,卡式收录机进入了市场,一种可播放卡式录音带的车用收放两用机 出现在轿车上,同时机芯开始应用集成电路。直至80年代末,一般轿车的音响多以一个卡式收放两用机与一对扬声器为基础组合,扬声器分左右两路声道,有的置于仪表板总成的两侧,有的置于车门,有的置于后座的后方,收放两用机输出功率多在20瓦左右。



汽车的运行环境是十分恶劣的,包括振动、高温、噪音、电磁波等都会干扰车内电子设备的正常工作,因此轿车专用的音响设备不论从设计和工艺制造方面的要求都要比家用音响严格 ,而且价格不菲,从这个意义上讲,高性能的轿车音响实际上是当今音响世界中的顶级品。








标签: 汽车音响 Atmel




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