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Dialog推出系统在线编程功能的可配置混合信号IC SLG46824和SLG46826

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高度集成电源管理、AC/DC电源转换、充电和蓝牙低功耗技术供应商Dialog半导体公司日前宣布,推出可配置混合信号IC(CMIC)GreenPAK™ SLG46824和SLG46826,这是继Dialog收购CMIC技术开创者和市场领导者Silego Technology公司后首次推出CMIC新品。

SLG46826和SLG46824是市场上首款采用简单的I2C串行接口支持系统在线编程的CMIC。通过允许将一个未编程的GreenPAK芯片安装在PCB板上,在系统内对非易失性内存(NVM)进行编程,简化了开发流程,轻松实现系统设计。该灵活性还为生产环节带来便利,可以在生产线上通过对非易失性内存进行编程,轻松地为器件修改配置或添加功能。该器件上的NVM支持1,000次擦/写次数。此外,SLG46826包括2 kbits的EEPROM仿真存储器,可以替代客户板上的一个兼容I2C的串行EEPROM,支持备份配置数据、校验和一个序列号的存储。

Dialog推出系统在线编程功能的可配置混合信号IC SLG46824和SLG46826.jpg

这两款CMIC均采用2.0 x 3.0 mm 20引脚STQFN封装,具有低功耗模拟和数字资源,如模拟比较器(ACMP)、内部基准电压、上电复位和更先进的数字资源,如多功能宏单元。使用内部低功耗基准电压运行低功耗模拟比较器,对于两个连续监测外部信号的ACMP,其典型功耗仅为2.5 μA。此外,2.048 kHz振荡器在运行时仅消耗几百纳安电流,非常适合看门狗定时器应用,或其他需要低速振荡器并始终运行的设计。上电复位模块一直运行,确保器件能够在任何功率上升速度下正确初始化,而且在3.3 V电源电压下仅消耗100 nA 电流。 这些器件还具有双电源供电能力,为在两个电压之间转换信号提供了更多优势。

Dialog半导体公司副总裁兼可配置混合信号业务部总经理John Teegen表示:“这两款芯片是我们首批能够在系统内编程的GreenPAK器件,可以在系统内编程的灵活性和可多次编程的优势,使它们成为GPAK产品系列的卓越新成员。先进的功能和超低功耗将为广泛的电池供电的应用带来重要价值,并拓展所支持的应用范围。”













GreenPAK™ Programmable Mixed-signal Matrix with In System Programmability

17-GPIO, 2 ACMPs, I2C, 19 LUTs (max.), 8 CNT/DLY (max.), 17 DFF/LATCH (max.) and other Macrocells

The SLG46824 provides a small, low power component for commonly used mixed-signal functions. The user creates the circuit design by programming the multiple time Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) to configure the interconnect logic, the IOs and the macrocells of the SLG46824. This highly versatile device allows a wide variety of mixed-signal functions to be designed within a very small, low power single integrated circuit.


Macrocells Overview

Two Low Power General Purpose Rail-to-Rail Analog Comparators (ACMPxL);

One Voltage Reference (Vref)

Eleven Combination Function Macrocells:

Three Selectable DFF/Latch or 2-bit LUTs;

One Selectable Programmable Pattern Generator or 2-bit LUT;

Six Selectable DFF/Latch or 3-bit LUTs;

One Selectable Pipe Delay or Ripple Counter or 3-bit LUT;

Eight Multi-Function Macrocells:

Seven Selectable DFF/Latch or 3-bit LUTs + 8-bit Delay/Counters;

One Selectable DFF/Latch or 4-bit LUT + 16-bit Delay/Counter;

Serial Communications:

I2C Protocol Interface;

Programmable Delay with Edge Detector Output;

Deglitch Filter with Edge Detector;

Three Oscillators (OSC):

2.048 kHz Oscillator;

2.048 MHz Oscillator;

25 MHz Oscillator;

Power On Reset (POR).


In System Programmability

Multiple Time Programmable Memory

Wide Range Power Supply

2.5 V (±8%) to 5 V (±10%) VDD

1.8 V (±5%) to 5 V (±10%) VDD2 (VDD2 ≤ VDD)

Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C

RoHS Compliant / Halogen-Free

Two Packages Available

20-pin STQFN: 2 x 3 x 0.55 mm, 0.4 mm pitch

20-pin TSSOP: 6.5 x 6.4 x 1.2 mm, 0.65 mm pitch


Personal Computers and Servers

PC Peripherals

Consumer Electronics

Data Communications Equipment

Handheld and Portable Electronics


GreenPAK™ Programmable Mixed-signal Matrix with In System Programmability。

17-GPIO, 4 ACMPs, I2C, 19 LUTs (max.), 8 CNT/DLY (max.), 17 DFF/LATCH (max.) and other Macrocells

The SLG46826 provides a small, low power component for commonly used mixed-signal functions. The user creates the circuit design by programming the multiple time Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) to configure the interconnect logic, the IOs and the macrocells of the SLG46826. This highly versatile device allows a wide variety of mixed-signal functions to be designed within a very small, low power single integrated circuit.


Macrocells Overview

Two High Speed General Purpose Rail-to-Rail Analog Comparators (ACMPxH);

Two Low Power General Purpose Rail-to-Rail Analog Comparators (ACMPxL);

Two Voltage References (Vref)

Two Vref Outputs;

Eleven Combination Function Macrocells:

Three Selectable DFF/Latch or 2-bit LUTs;

One Selectable Programmable Pattern Generator or 2-bit LUT;

Six Selectable DFF/Latch or 3-bit LUTs;

One Selectable Pipe Delay or Ripple Counter or 3-bit LUT;

Eight Multi-Function Macrocells:

Seven Selectable DFF/Latch or 3-bit LUTs + 8-bit Delay/Counters;

One Selectable DFF/Latch or 4-bit LUT + 16-bit Delay/Counter;

Serial Communications:

I2C Protocol Interface;

2-Kbit (256 x 8) I2C-Compatible (2-Wire) Serial EEPROM emulation with Software Write Protection;

Programmable Delay with Edge Detector Output;

Deglitch Filter with Edge Detector;

Three Oscillators (OSC):

2.048 kHz Oscillator;

2.048 MHz Oscillator;

25 MHz Oscillator;

Analog Temperature Sensor;

Power On Reset (POR).


In System Programmability

Multiple Time Programmable Memory

Wide Range Power Supply

2.5 V (±8%) to 5 V (±10%) VDD

1.8 V (±5%) to 5 V (±10%) VDD2 (VDD2 ≤ VDD)

Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C

RoHS Compliant / Halogen-Free

Two Packages Available

20-pin STQFN: 2 x 3 x 0.55 mm, 0.4 mm pitch

20-pin TSSOP: 6.5 x 6.4 x 1.2 mm, 0.65 mm pitch


Personal Computers and Servers

PC Peripherals

Consumer Electronics

Data Communications Equipment

Handheld and Portable Electronics







